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Field Workers
and Partners
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 Donations of $2 or more to relief work are tax deductible.
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Once you’ve found someone you’d like to support, click through to learn more about what they do. You can choose to make a one-off donation or set up a recurring gift. Payment options include credit card and bank transfers.

Donations of $2 or more to relief work are tax deductible.

SPOTLIGHT: Field Workers & Partners

*Sensitive Country, Field Workers
Hugh + Barbara Hills (Names Changed), South Asia

Hugh and Barbara Hills* are working in a part of Muslim Asia where there has long been deep misunderstanding of and resistance to the Gospel. Over several decades, the Hills have been able to establish a 'quiet' but fruitful ministry that is impacting several unreached people groups numbering tens of millions of people. Their goal is to see individuals come to faith, be discipled, and be the catalysts for transformation in the places where they live. The Hills ministry activities include: Social bridges - they and their team build relationship bridges over which the Gospel can travel from 'heart to heart'. Evangelism - leading to faith decisions and establishment of small groups of believers. Discipleship Training and Mentorship In this current season of their ministry Hugh and Barbara are working with others to expand the capacity of the ministry by adding in a second team and increasing distribution mechanisms. This will provide a larger number of people with access to the Gospel and facilitate the growth of discipleship and mentoring. * NOTE: Names changed and location withheld

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Field Workers, ^Multi-Country
Roger & Rebecca Head, Europe

Roger and Bec work as a liaison between Australian churches and the talented and skilled Pentecostal leaders and field workers of Southern Europe - fostering partnerships, expanding and resourcing existing programs, and developing new pathways for reaching those that don't yet know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Southern Europe, once the centre for great seafaring empires is now a region with high unemployment and wide spread poverty. While many identify as religious, few attend church services and only a small minority have ever heard that the power of God can be experienced in their own lives today. Southern Europe is now a mission field in great need of the life giving power of the Holy Spirit. Rebecca holds a degree in Community Development and an Advanced Diploma in Christian Ministries and another in Christian Counselling, and is an experienced intercessor. Roger has a Masters of Applied Finance and works on the boards of a number of charities and churches in the areas of governance and financial management. Both Roger and Bec are passionate about God transforming lives and seeing communities raised up full of compassion, hope and love.

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Field Workers, Philippines
Domingo + Cherry Galang

Domingo Galang has been a church planter and trainer for the past 38 years in the Philippines and Australia. He has an educational background in biblical studies, theology, leadership and education through various universities and institutions in the Philippines and Australia. His desire is to see the next generation of leaders and workers succeed and excel in their calling and ministry. Cherry Galang has been a worship leader, musician, composer and professional singer for the past 35 years in the Philippines and Australia. She has the vision to see women, especially those who were former prison inmates and children who live in cemeteries to experience love, care, kindness, quality education, and training. After more than 26 years in Australia, God has called Domingo and Cherry to base their ministry in the Philippines and compelled them towards the path of becoming long-term missionaries. This is another adventure in their service to the community which will contribute to the growth of the church.

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Kenya, Project Partners
Children's Fortress Africa

The vision of Children’s Fortress Africa is to see children and young people in Kenya reach their potential using the unique gifts and skills they have within them. Focusing on children and young people living on the streets of Nairobi, they aim to see children restored to families, families strengthened to care for and send their children to school, and young people given the opportunities and support required to overcome the challenges they face. Children’s Fortress Africa see this outworked through a range of activities, including family reunification, income-generation, education scholarships, community libraries, sports programs and advocacy efforts. They are working with government services, families, children, and young people to tackle issues leading to children living on the streets from all levels.

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Project Partners, Thailand
Zoeh Project

Support the ongoing work of Tim & Bron and the 'GoServe.Asia' team as they empower urban refugee parents to improve the educational outcomes for their children. 

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*Sensitive Country, *Sensitive Country, Field Workers, ~Missions NTD
Hugh + Barbara Hills (Names Changed), South Asia

Hugh and Barbara Hills* are working in a part of Muslim Asia where there has long been deep misunderstanding of and resistance to the Gospel. Over several decades, the Hills have been able to establish a 'quiet' but fruitful ministry that is impacting several unreached people groups numbering tens of millions of people. Their goal is to see individuals come to faith, be discipled, and be the catalysts for transformation in the places where they live. The Hills ministry activities include: Social bridges - they and their team build relationship bridges over which the Gospel can travel from 'heart to heart'. Evangelism - leading to faith decisions and establishment of small groups of believers. Discipleship Training and Mentorship In this current season of their ministry Hugh and Barbara are working with others to expand the capacity of the ministry by adding in a second team and increasing distribution mechanisms. This will provide a larger number of people with access to the Gospel and facilitate the growth of discipleship and mentoring. * NOTE: Names changed and location withheld

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Field Workers, ^Multi-Country, ^Multi-Country, ~Missions NTD
Roger & Rebecca Head, Europe

Roger and Bec work as a liaison between Australian churches and the talented and skilled Pentecostal leaders and field workers of Southern Europe - fostering partnerships, expanding and resourcing existing programs, and developing new pathways for reaching those that don't yet know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Southern Europe, once the centre for great seafaring empires is now a region with high unemployment and wide spread poverty. While many identify as religious, few attend church services and only a small minority have ever heard that the power of God can be experienced in their own lives today. Southern Europe is now a mission field in great need of the life giving power of the Holy Spirit. Rebecca holds a degree in Community Development and an Advanced Diploma in Christian Ministries and another in Christian Counselling, and is an experienced intercessor. Roger has a Masters of Applied Finance and works on the boards of a number of charities and churches in the areas of governance and financial management. Both Roger and Bec are passionate about God transforming lives and seeing communities raised up full of compassion, hope and love.

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Field Workers, Philippines, Philippines, ~Missions NTD
Domingo + Cherry Galang

Domingo Galang has been a church planter and trainer for the past 38 years in the Philippines and Australia. He has an educational background in biblical studies, theology, leadership and education through various universities and institutions in the Philippines and Australia. His desire is to see the next generation of leaders and workers succeed and excel in their calling and ministry. Cherry Galang has been a worship leader, musician, composer and professional singer for the past 35 years in the Philippines and Australia. She has the vision to see women, especially those who were former prison inmates and children who live in cemeteries to experience love, care, kindness, quality education, and training. After more than 26 years in Australia, God has called Domingo and Cherry to base their ministry in the Philippines and compelled them towards the path of becoming long-term missionaries. This is another adventure in their service to the community which will contribute to the growth of the church.

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Kenya, Kenya, Project Partners, ~Development TD
Children's Fortress Africa

The vision of Children’s Fortress Africa is to see children and young people in Kenya reach their potential using the unique gifts and skills they have within them. Focusing on children and young people living on the streets of Nairobi, they aim to see children restored to families, families strengthened to care for and send their children to school, and young people given the opportunities and support required to overcome the challenges they face. Children’s Fortress Africa see this outworked through a range of activities, including family reunification, income-generation, education scholarships, community libraries, sports programs and advocacy efforts. They are working with government services, families, children, and young people to tackle issues leading to children living on the streets from all levels.

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